Thanks to Brandon, 57, Kidzilla, and Mathguy for coming!
To everyone who was having connection problems, ARGH! I’m sorry, I’m not sure what was going on.
The good news, considering people really liked coming in and hanging out, I have decided to do open server weekly. So see everyone next Monday at 6!
I am a little behind on build posting – I am working on entries for the Circus (which I missed the WBC deadline for – oops) and the Four Guardians, but due to aforementioned main computer problems and a show on Saturday I have to prep for, those might be delayed for a bit. I also promised tonight’s players that I’d write up how to host external players on your pocket devices. All that will happen at some point, it just might be next week sometime!
I surf a lot of brutalism galleries. I find the architecture style hideously interesting. It doesn’t help that UMass Amherst isn’t too far from me, so I’m confronted with many intensely ugly buildings on a fairly regular basis. The other fun thing about Brutalism is that examples of it are really fun to make into MCPE builds. Weirdly enough, they do not look anywhere near as ugly within the cubed off aesthetic of a Minecraft world.
My second brutalist build is based on the Geisel Library at the University of California, San Diego. It looks quite a bit like a UFO crashed on campus and then people just shrugged and filled it full of books.
This is the inspiration for this build. Yes, that is a real place!
Just for the record I’ve never been to California, let alone this campus, so I had to improvise a lot of the inside. I do think I did a pretty good job approximating the outside though. Lets take a tour!
On the Road facing North.It’s a long path from the road to the front of the library.There’s the road all the way back there.A peek at the front.Welcome to the library!
The librarians are busy tonight.
BTW it is a super pain in the ass getting villagers to stay in one spot. Hence all the glass panes on the ceiling. Good thing they compliment the info dest.
The guys at the Skull Cafe are not so busy.
Nope. They just keep jumping on the stoves back there.
Such pretty work tables! And cozy couches!
It was fun figuring out how to get “houseplants” inside without just having ugly exposed dirt blocks.
A flower shop? In a library? Sure, why not.
So lets go downstairs to the basement!
It isn’t a proper library without a creepy basement of stacks.Lots of stacks. We might be searching awhile.
These pictures aren’t really conveying what a huge basement of stacks this really is. You’re seeing a glimps eof maybe half of them.
Because my stepkids got jokes.
I really don’t know what is with them and setting random animals loose in my builds but at least the library cows are funny. Anyway…
Up to the “UFO” part of the library!Level 5 has some cozy reading areas!It’s much more inviting up here.A peek down at the road.So much for no talking in the library.
Because these guys will follow and aggressively HMMM at you.
Level 7 is the widest floor. Lots of work and read space.So this is what an all-nighter looks like.No idea how the villager got outside.
Also whoops, forgot to finish slabbing over the ceiling – you can see the wool blocks holding up the table upstairs.
Looking up to the skylight on level 10. Quite a climb!Top floor! Phew!
Level 10 isn’t part of the original library design, but a rooftop workshop felt somehow necessary.
The minions are super busy up here.Busy in the workshop…
Okay, back outside.
A daylight view from outsidea side view at sunset.Looks really cool all lit up!…this needs some sheep or wolves or something.
This took me maybe three solid weeks of work to finish up and furnish, but it’s the build I’m happiest with so far. I may go back and add more light at the base of the “UFO” at some point, as I’m afraid if I switch this to creative that dark area is going to be a ripe spawning area for hostiles. Also go back through and make sure there are no further patches of ceiling I forgot to slab over. and maybe give that poor cow a companion to roam the basement with…